The making of Maud Malone: Phase II
- Role sheet to be available to all Reacting to the Past instructors teaching Greenwich Village 1913
- Embedded instruction and assessment
Embedded instruction and assessment
- Character in the game and played according to role sheet. Note that the role sheet includes significant incentives for students to consult with Maud/the librarian on a one-to-one basis as well as in factions/groups.
- Asynchronous online module to teach students how to find historical newspaper articles in two databases: The New York Times Archives and the NYS Historic Newspapers.
- Synchronous online workshop to practice skills taught in the online module.
- Research foundations paper (graded reflection: 10% of grade)
Asynchronous online research skills module: Finding primary evidence
Five-question pre-test
Recorded introduction from Maud Malone
Library instruction module: Searching for historical newspaper articles
Video 1: Primary evidence and newspapers of record
Video 2: Searching for historical newspaper articles in The New York Times Archives.
Video 3: Searching for primary sources in the NYS Historic Newspapers
Practice exercise
1. Do a search in The New York Times Archives for historical newspaper articles about Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, who was instrumental in the 1913 Armoury Show. Set your date range for articles published before 1914.
Track your search with the search tracker handout. This type of spreadsheet is very useful for tracking searches, particularly for different types of literature reviews.
2. Redo your search for historical newspaper articles about Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney in the NYS Historic Newspapers database. Set your date range for articles published before 1914.
Track your second search again using the search tracker handout.
3. Reflect on your results. How do your results from each search compare (e.g., number of results and topic)? Was one database easier to use than the other? If so, why? If not, why? Record your reflection in the search tracker handout.
Five-question post-test
Synchronous library instruction session